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cost saving estimates when effectively managing type 2 diabetes

Economic Costs of Diabetes in the U.S. in 2017


Diabetes Care. 2018 May;41(5):917-928.
(open access)

This study updates previous estimates of the economic burden of diagnosed diabetes and quantifies the increased health resource use and lost productivity associated with diabetes in 2017.

  • Estimated average annual medical expenditures attributed to diabetes
    (total: institutional care, outpatient care, outpatient meds and supplies)

    • $9,600 per person

Medical claim cost impact of improved diabetes control for Medicare and commercially insured patients with type 2 diabetes.


This article provides new information on the cost and event impact of better control for all 3 metrics (A1c, blood pressure, and lipids) for the commercial population and Medicare population separately .

Cost savings associated with
decreasing risk of complications – savings per patient per month

  • Decrease 1% A1c, 10 mmHg,
    increase HDL 20%, decrease
    cholesterol 20% =

    • $66.73/mo Commercial

    • $58.85/mo Medicare

  • Decrease 1.25% A1c, 20
    mmHg, increase HDL 35%,
    decrease cholesterol 35% =

    • $86.06/mo Commercial

    • $82.33/mo Medicare

  • Decrease 1.5% A1c, 30 mmHg, increase HDL 50%, decrease cholesterol 50% =

    • $105.47/mo Commercial

    • $106.04/mo Medicare

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