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Our News


We are ecstatic to share that 50 schools/colleges of pharmacy have officially joined the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative! With each additional school joining in the efforts we grow collectively stronger. Thank you for working together to transform community pharmacy practice!

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We are proud to announce that 43 schools/colleges of pharmacy are now on board, and we are very glad to have each and every one be a part of this journey to transform community pharmacy practice! Our kick-off webinar discussions begin Wednesday August 14th at 4pm EDT and Thursday August 15th at 12pm EDT. We hope to hear all our members on one of the calls!

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In just one week we have grown by almost 10 schools and colleges of pharmacy! We are now up to 33 total. There is still time for additional schools to join before our kick-off webinar discussions next week! Check out the Get Involved tab to learn how to join.

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